June 20, 2016

The beginning and end of Everd Weddygan

Ever thought about making a comic book? How about a character that would bring something new, something different? What happened was that one day, during a break at school, I was working on a draw in a new style. Whatever came to mind was what ended up on the paper. Fun fact, back then I […]

June 15, 2016

Conversations with and for Shy People

If your words would carry the weight of a friendship or a career, you would ponder on the best ones to use before saying anything, am I right? It’s like uttering your last words before the world changes forever. To me, that almost describes the feeling a shy person gets when talking. Some think that shyness means being distant […]

June 13, 2016

Plustard and Johnny in Skyrim! FUS-RO-QUOI?

A friend of ours, who goes by the awesome name of Lakword, has presented us a mighty gift! You see, he’s quite good when it comes to mods and fancy behind-the-scenes work on the Elder Scrolls 5 – Skyrim – and he had some fun creating the good Inspector and his assistant. We had a […]

June 08, 2016

Writer’s Block – should we always overcome it?

I was honestly tempted to leave this article blank, as a small joke, but then again that wouldn’t be useful to anyone, would it? I’ve encountered writer’s block so, so many times and everybody knows pretty much all there is to say about it. You writers out there know about the methods to overcome it […]

June 06, 2016

Can we become immune to movies?

I was browsing youtube and found a random episode of “Ghost Adventures” – a paranormal investigation show – and, for no particular reason, decided to take a look. The visual and audio effects were so over the top and so ridiculous that it got me thinking – will we end up one day being immune […]

June 01, 2016

How come there are successful Movie-to-Game adaptations?

We’ve covered the Book-to-Movie adaptations and how most of them are unsuccessful. This time around, let’s tackle the Movie-to-Game adaptations. Sure, most of them are unsuccessful but there are a few ideas here and there that are worth a look. Just be aware that the subject is rather vast and there are maaaany tiny areas […]
