Dear friends and fans,
We just finished filming a huge scene that took two whole days to film (approx. 20 hours of filming in total). I honestly don’t remember how I got into bed last night and my brother hasn’t woken up yet (it’s 1:00 PM now over here).
It was surprisingly difficult and it got me thinking.. will all this be worth it in the end?
“Of course it will,” I said to myself. “The fans will love it, especially THAT scene where *spoiler spoiler spoiler*. Sure, you got bruises all over and nearly fell down an entire flight of stairs, but look how good it looks on camera!”
…then I remembered that this is our first project that will be sold both locally and internationally. Depending on the sales, we’ll be able to afford making Season 2 even better/bigger! We are curious regarding how you guys see this situation.
For those who don’t know or forgot, “Inspector Plustard and the Transylvanian Diamond” is a Series of 12 Episodes (~20 minutes each), equivalent to the length of two big cinema movies. It has a story-arc that develops throughout the episodes and it does come to a conclusion at the end.
It features original songs, a complete soundtrack (which will be available separately too along with the instrumental versions of the songs), a full cast of new actors and scenes shot “On Location” here, in Romania. The format will most likely be completely digital (MP4 files, no DVDs or Blu Rays), in Full HD, and it will be sold along with a special Making Of feature for the fans that wish to have that as well.
Of course, the awesome fans who donated through Indiegogo will receive their respective Episodes for free when they will be launched (and the extra goodies that they got). The episodes will be launched one / week, during three months (12 weeks). Actual release date is unknown so far.
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We encourage you to write in the comments your OWN price, should ours not suit your preferences.