June 07, 2016

The Player’s Diary – Dark Souls 1

??? Dear Diary, I woke up today in a dungeon. Ate a yummy soul and feel freshened. I gently trotted around, trying to find my way. Some very rude people with hollow eyes and ghastly empty faces tried to kill me. How impolite. I made my way towards a little meadow, on top of a […]

June 06, 2016

Can we become immune to movies?

I was browsing youtube and found a random episode of “Ghost Adventures” – a paranormal investigation show – and, for no particular reason, decided to take a look. The visual and audio effects were so over the top and so ridiculous that it got me thinking – will we end up one day being immune […]

June 03, 2016

Mihai’s Storybook #4 – Another Day

Welcome ladies and gentleman to another story-post-event with me, Mihai! This one is a bit of a doozy. It’s more of a test to see how such a story would be received by an audience. Try to keep an open mind and have fun.   Another Day There will be once upon a time, a […]

June 02, 2016

Top Ten Indiana Jones Games till 2016

I am a huge Indy fan and I’ve seen the movies and played the games a bajillion times. Given the fact that Disney no longer focuses on making games, and since they own Indy now, I’m pretty sure we won’t see another Indy game in the upcoming 10 years. So, for all those of you […]

June 01, 2016

How come there are successful Movie-to-Game adaptations?

We’ve covered the Book-to-Movie adaptations and how most of them are unsuccessful. This time around, let’s tackle the Movie-to-Game adaptations. Sure, most of them are unsuccessful but there are a few ideas here and there that are worth a look. Just be aware that the subject is rather vast and there are maaaany tiny areas […]

May 31, 2016

The Player’s Diary – Red Dead Redemption

May 2nd 1911 Here I am, workin’ on this here farm, helping the farmlady and her family. Can’t complain, food ain’t bad. Think I’ll like it here. May 3rd 1911 Wanted to salute a gentleman today. Accidentally shot his leg off. Twas an accident, I swear. I know that it doesn’t happen too often, but […]
