Happy New Year! 😀 Let’s hope that 2013 will bring us more epic stuff, happiness and health, in reversed order.
Now, for those who are wondering, here’s our feedback on the feedback you gave us through the survey we posted some time ago. Enjoy!
1. Our fans’ general age is somewhere between 18 and 25 years old, but the kids represent a third of our viewers
This is important to us because our main target is, indeed, the young part of the population. So that’s brilliant! We’ll keep doing what we do best.
2. Most of our fans are male…
…so we need to find a way to bring more females to see our work! …maybe if we start wearing pink tutus…
Oh and we seem to have 5 aliens amongst our viewers. Good to know.
3. Many fans started visiting our site after a friend told them, which is excellent!
We asked you to share and spread the word and you helped us! Thank you!
Curiously, an equal (if not greater) part of our viewers don’t remember how they found out about us. Must be the alien kidnappings we tried for advertisement. Who knew microchip implants worked?!
4. When it comes to favorite characters, there’s no doubt about it.
Kauff, Plustard and the Cast from our Doctor Who Fan Film tied at a whooping 50% preference! Yes, all of them!
That means that we should probably make more episodes with these characters, huh? 🙂
5. As for favorite types of entertainment…
…you guys seem to like both interactive and epic stuff. “Ask a Monkeyologist” and the more lengthy/cinematic projects had the highest ratings, with the Doctor Who Fan Film leading. Got it!
6. Everybody wants to laugh!
Everybody wants MORE comedy! Let’s hope that Plustard and Johnny will be able to bring that to you 😀
7. Big projects win.
You guys clearly want to see us focus on one big project while giving you updates (and perhaps other tiny clips to fill in the gaps while you wait). Duly noted.
We’ll try to make more video blogs, perhaps shorter than the ones we made so far. It’s just that it takes a while to make one. The editing is chaotic since nothing is scripted.
Aside from that, we’ll release a few funny clips every now and then. Since we have launched the first episode of Plustard we can relax a bit, thus have more time to film new stuff.
8. Politics, politics, politics.
We get it, you all jumped on us to NEVER talk about politics in our movies. Or vices. Or religion.
These are indeed subjects that can stir controversy, especially if we’d try to view them through humor. Surprisingly, you guys don’t wanna see romance/romantic stuff either! …we definitely need more girls around 😀
9. You awesome people told us to just keep doing what we’re doing, so that’s what we will do, only enhanced.
As for “Ponies” and “Another Doctor Who Fan Film”, which seemed to be the most frequent of requests, we’ll see. We’re not promising anything, but we heard you loud and clear!
Thank you for taking this survey! It helped us reorganize our things a bit better! Cheers!