??? Dear Diary, I woke up today in a dungeon. Ate a yummy soul and feel freshened. I gently trotted around, trying to find my way. Some very rude people with hollow eyes and ghastly empty faces tried to kill me. How impolite. I made my way towards a little meadow, on top of a […]
The Player’s Diary – Dead Space
August 15th 2508 This is awesome, this is awesome! I’m a spaceman, I’m a spaceman! In a space ship, in a spaceship! Dum-dee-dum, pew pew pew! This is so awesome! August 15th 2508 – 5 minutes later All my friends are DEAD! My space ship is DEAD! Everyone is DEAD! This is horrible! There’s like […]
Monty Python’s Parrot Sketch – SilverWolfPet Edition (Tribute)
Many thanks to Monty Python, one of the best comedy groups that influenced our lives and our performances. Special Thanks to “Pravalia Animalelor” for allowing us to film. This has been a wonderful experience for us, and we thank Dr. Anca Tomsa for letting us perform this classic, beloved sketch in her shop. Well, don’t just stand […]
The Player’s Diary – Dead Island
12th June 2010 Dear Diary, I woke up in a strange hotel room. Not the first time, I’ll admit it. As usual, I got up and looked down at my legs. I was wearing some really uncomfortable high heels. Naturally, the first thing I tried was kicking the bed. Then I kicked some luggage. Then […]