21st October Dear Diary, I started my dream job! All this hard work, all this training for years and years. Finally, I can proudly dress up in my special uniform and present myself as Carl, the janitor! I’m here to make the world better, cleaner, shinier! 22nd October Dear Diary, Apparently, one of the most […]
Top 10 Silent Hill Games till 2016
Silent Hill is by far my favorite game series. It has a beautiful depth to it and it always manages to calm me down after a difficult day. I thought of making a list of my favorite games in the series, perhaps those who haven’t tried them yet might give them a chance. They are […]
The Player’s Diary – Red Dead Redemption
May 2nd 1911 Here I am, workin’ on this here farm, helping the farmlady and her family. Can’t complain, food ain’t bad. Think I’ll like it here. May 3rd 1911 Wanted to salute a gentleman today. Accidentally shot his leg off. Twas an accident, I swear. I know that it doesn’t happen too often, but […]
The Player’s Diary – Spore
Day 1 Ohhhh, I’m the cutest little thing that was ever spawned! Ohhh, look at me, I’m so little and tiny and small and cutsey I could just hug myself to death! Day 1 Me grow. Me eat other things. Me grow bigger! Day 1 Nature is fascinating – I grew and grew and now […]
Top Ten Board Games till 2016
Hello! It’s Wolf!… Just kidding, it’s Mihai. :p Today we’ve got board games to show you! Some might seem simple or too childish, but trust me when I say that it will not be the games’ fault you laugh constantly in the next couple of days. I personally think board games are meant to strengthen […]
The Player’s Diary – Dead Space
August 15th 2508 This is awesome, this is awesome! I’m a spaceman, I’m a spaceman! In a space ship, in a spaceship! Dum-dee-dum, pew pew pew! This is so awesome! August 15th 2508 – 5 minutes later All my friends are DEAD! My space ship is DEAD! Everyone is DEAD! This is horrible! There’s like […]