Mihai, top ten, all you need to know. Well, that and what the top ten is about. Today we have a list inspired by my bro’s suggestion. Here are some of the roles I’d love to play. Hope you enjoy. 10 – Wise old elf I don’t know if this will sound strange or pretentious […]
Top Ten PS3 Games till 2016
Hello! It’s Mihai and on this fine day I have prepared a collection of the best PS3 games that can offer you a fun and memorable experience. Note, this list does not cover one particular category (Action, adventure, puzzle, etc). These are the games that stood out, that had a lasting impact to me as a […]
Top 10 Survival Horror Games till 2013
Our longtime fans might remember this list we did once. Unfortunately, once we lost the server data, we also lost our posts. Fear not (hehe, pun intended) for we have re-made the list, evaluating and re-evaluating some entries! Behold and enjoy!