June 18, 2016

Mihai’s Storybook #6 – The Loyal Knight

Sorry for being a few hours late on this one – the site broke down a bit. All good now. ^^ Another day, another story at our little SliverWolfPet campfire. These weekly stories really bring me joy. 🙂 This is a favorite tale of mine, told only to a very close friend who needed to hear […]

May 04, 2016

Recreating a Starry Night

For some artists, there is always that one artwork; that one masterpiece that sticks with you all your life. Wether it is a story, a painting, statue, song, building or hairstyle; abstract or realistic, it just speaks volumes on a personal level. For me, it was Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Why this painting? There […]

February 24, 2014

Night Filming and Poll!

As you can see, nighttime caught up with our heroes… and we have a quick poll for you! We’re interested to know if using this color palette and these specific settings you guys will be able to enjoy the night shots we are filming… or if they are too dark. Multiple answers allowed. We also […]
