June 10, 2016

Mihai’s Storybook #5 – The Earthquake

Greetings again on this beautiful Friday! My name is Mihai and I’ve got another story for you. May it inspire and/or relax you. 🙂 The Earthquake In a faraway village, there lived an old man living with his nephew. One day, when they were serving lunch, the two sat at the kitchen table, getting ready […]

May 27, 2016

Mihai’s Storybook #3 – Never left

Hello everyone! I got a new story for today. It’s a simple and cute one that I hope will spark your imagination. 🙂 Enjoy! Never left There was once upon a time a traveler named “I”. He always liked going from place to place, seeing new sights and people along the way. There wasn’t any […]

May 20, 2016

Mihai’s Storybook #2 – Lost time

Hey there! I’ve got another story for you today. It’s an old one but I believe it’s fitting for some people in our modern age. I hope you enjoy it. Lost time There was once, some time ago, an old man who lived in a forgotten forest. One day, Death came to him and said […]

April 21, 2016

Top Ten Roles I’d LOVE to Play – Mihai Edition

Mihai, top ten, all you need to know. Well, that and what the top ten is about. Today we have a list inspired by my bro’s suggestion. Here are some of the roles I’d love to play. Hope you enjoy. 10 – Wise old elf I don’t know if this will sound strange or pretentious […]
