June 06, 2016

Can we become immune to movies?

I was browsing youtube and found a random episode of “Ghost Adventures” – a paranormal investigation show – and, for no particular reason, decided to take a look. The visual and audio effects were so over the top and so ridiculous that it got me thinking – will we end up one day being immune […]

May 09, 2016

When does a Movie talk to us?

If you talk to the movie, that is ok. If the movie talks back, that is psychosis. I’ve recently been recommended to watch “Blade Runner”, a movie which one of my workmates loved. Or perhaps not loved, but rather considered it to be a very, very good movie. I didn’t like it. This basic event […]

April 18, 2016

A Study in Feedback

We’ve all heard the expression “If you like it, give it a like, a thumbs up, vote up etc.” coming from various artists on the internet, including youtubers, 9gagers and so on and so forth – but what does it all mean? One could think that they are asking for votes to get higher in […]
