June 09, 2016

Top 10 Silent Hill Games till 2016

Silent Hill is by far my favorite game series. It has a beautiful depth to it and it always manages to calm me down after a difficult day. I thought of making a list of my favorite games in the series, perhaps those who haven’t tried them yet might give them a chance. They are […]

June 02, 2016

Top Ten Indiana Jones Games till 2016

I am a huge Indy fan and I’ve seen the movies and played the games a bajillion times. Given the fact that Disney no longer focuses on making games, and since they own Indy now, I’m pretty sure we won’t see another Indy game in the upcoming 10 years. So, for all those of you […]

May 26, 2016

Top 10 Silliest Top Tens till 2016

I was actually pondering if I should write these. This list started out as a silly game with a friend, Mircea, and things kind of got a bit out of control. 😀 10. Top Ten ways to mix your salad 9. Top Ten boring astronauts 8. Top Ten financial ads that make you crave pudding […]

May 05, 2016

Top Ten Sherlock Holmes Games till 2016

10 – Another Bow You know what’s better than a book? A PICTURE book! “Another Bow” is a game which I only managed to play for about a minute until I uninstalled it. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading (I wish I had more time for it) but I won’t spend hours in front […]

May 20, 2015

Doctor Who Fan Film Review!

A very, very nice review (our first international one actually) has been written by Den Valdron. You can go check it out here. Make sure to leave a comment too, the guy actually spent a lot of time writing it 😀 Thank you, Den! This means a lot to us and your nice, warm words […]

May 23, 2013

Top 10 Survival Horror Games till 2013

Our longtime fans might remember this list we did once. Unfortunately, once we lost the server data, we also lost our posts. Fear not (hehe, pun intended) for we have re-made the list, evaluating and re-evaluating some entries! Behold and enjoy!
