Feb 02, 2014

Ten Days of Filming

Dearest fans,

We successfully completed 10 days of filming for Inspector Plustard. That is almost double the time we spent on the Doctor Who Fan Film: How to Stop a Timelord.

A very nice owner, Mr. Ruse Tudor, of a very nice restaurant, DACIA ROMANA, helped us with the location today. Along with the young waitresses, Georgiana and Madalina, we filmed for a short (but important) scene in our story. Mr. Ruse, a very open minded man with great taste, has once been a waiter for Nicolae Ceausescu, a former Head of State for Romania. Himself, as is the place he owns, has a story to tell. We thank him, again, for his support.

Celebrating this little collaboration and wanting to show you how fluffy and cozy the atmosphere was inside the restaurant, we’re releasing an excerpt (aka clip) from the episode. It’s not the final version of it but we would like to know what you think of the lights, sounds, dialogue, scene etc. 😀

In case you come and visit Romania, you can find this awesome place at Bd. Basarabia, Nr. 72, Bucharest (and you can make reservations at the phone no. 0771.602.575). You can also check their facebook page for photos and more info!


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