May 12, 2016

Top Ten Simple Traditional Remedies

Good day to you all! It’s Mihai and I just caught a cold… Yeah. Why do I mention this? Well, after talking with my grandmother about it she suggested some interesting traditional treatments. Thus, this new top ten was born.


The remedies mentioned in this list must not replace the medication imposed by a professional doctor.

These treatments might improve your well being but do not guarantee positive effects, each body reacting differently at certain substances.

Consult your doctor before trying any of these remedies. This list is strictly informative.

Let’s get started!

  • 10 L10 – Linden Tea for colds

Many of us got a cold sooner or later and were told to drink linden tea. Why is that?

The boiled flowers, leaves, and wood bits of the linden tree create a beneficial solution that clears stuffy nose, sore throats and even headaches. Its overall effect is to calm and relax the body.

Fun fact: There is a 700 year old linden tree called “The King Matthias Tree”, at the Bojnice Castle in Slovakia.

  • 9 L9 – Lemon and Sugar for swollen tonsils

Tonsillitis is a very annoying thing to have, especially during the winter. If you are one of the people that didn’t have an operation to get them removed, this tip might help.

Get a slice of lemon and sprinkle it with sugar. Keep it in your mouth for a bit until the juices are gone. Think of it as a sour jelly with sugar coating!



  • 8 W8 – Wormwood Tea for appetite

Now here is something that might help you if eating 3 times a day seems like a challenge.

Wormwood tea is a very beneficial plant that helps and heals your stomach. Besides preventing stomach pains, expelling parasites from the body and sensations of constipation, it can stimulate the appetite. This particular herb can also help in cleansing the body from unwanted toxins, encouraging the proper function of the liver and immune system.

  • 7 S7 – Seeds for your organs

They might not necessarily heal, but rather help maintain your organs in working order.

Sunflower seeds, alongside Almond and Linseeds, are a brilliant source of unsaturated fat that allows your liver to flush “bad” cholesterol from your body and keep your blood pressure down. Pumpkin seeds are good at clearing out any parasites that might linger in your intestines.


  • 6 C6 – Cabbage Leaves for rheumatic pain

People get old, that’s a fact of life, but no one mentioned our bones hurting at a certain age.

Take this one from my grandfather: Take a cabbage leaf and flatten it out a bit with a rolling pin. After that you put it on the area that hurts, like your leg, ankle, back, whatever, and keep it there for a time. Even just an hour would do you good.


  • 5 P5 – Potatoes for headaches

I am not kidding with this one.

If you’re used to putting a dank cloth around your forehead to help with the headache, make sure to add small slices of potatoes (NOT the refrigerated, french fries you get at a store. The natural, market-type ones).



  • 4 G4 – Ginger Root for nausea

Surprisingly efective.

This particular plant can temper the sensation of vomiting. It is normally used as a spice in small quantities, therefore very little is known of its medical uses at this time. However as a way of cutting your nausea, it’s good. Must not be consumed in large amounts.


  • 3 G3 – Garlic for … anything

Garlic is the duct tape of foods! Too bad I’m not a fan of the smell.

It is low in calories and very rich in nutrients, combats illnesses and the common cold, improves cholesterol levels, eliminates toxins from the body and has cardiovascular benefits. Just by adding this in your diet can make a huge improvement to your organism.


  • 2 C2 – Chamomile Tea for stuffy nose and acnee

For the first treatment: Place a pot with water and chamomile tea lives on a stove. When a lot of steam is rising from the pot, stop the flame and place the hot tea into a bowl. Bring your face above the recipient and cover your head with a towel, keeping the steam from escaping. Be careful not to burn yourself. After about 30 minutes, your nose should be cleared of mucus, allowing the air to pass through.

Additionally, Chamomile has the healing potential to remove acnee, rashes and eczema. Take a make-up cotton disk and dampen it in tea, afterwords apply it on you face or affected area.

  • 1 S1 – Socks with Vinegar for fever

My childhood was traumatized by these things.

Dampen a pair of socks in vinegar and put them on the feet of the patient with fever. The effectiveness of this traditional method can’t be confirmed by science but I can assure you, it works but is very uncomfortable. Yes, I am better than science.



This list is strictly informative and must not be taken as official medication. 


What are YOUR traditional remedies? Leave a comment, maybe I haven’t heard of the ones you suggest!


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