Crimson Peak – an Almost Perfect Review
Guillermo del Toro – an excellent director, one of the best really, whose morbid thoughts take various unexpected shapes and forms in his movies. However, in an awkward twist, his latest movie “Crimson Peak” was quite… odd, from a brilliance point of view. Hang on here, I’ll tell you what I mean. It could be […]

Why do Book-to-Movie adaptations suck?
It all depends on the movie directors. That’s it, end of article. Really, it’s as simple as that. Don’t believe me? Well, I’m not here to tell you to trust me, but I will say this – name one movie adaptation that was done absolutely and entirely perfect. I mean perfect, flawless, no issues with […]

When does a Movie talk to us?
If you talk to the movie, that is ok. If the movie talks back, that is psychosis. I’ve recently been recommended to watch “Blade Runner”, a movie which one of my workmates loved. Or perhaps not loved, but rather considered it to be a very, very good movie. I didn’t like it. This basic event […]

What’s in a sequel?
“To be continued” – I was left with these words at the end of “Back to the Future”. What an extraordinary experience for me, as a kid, and how I wished I could see Part 2 right away! From a personal point of view, the idea of a sequel meant more of the same good […]

Filming Day – Singing in the Fields
You may have already seen the pictures on Facebook, but we didn’t really get a chance to talk about it. As you’ll probably notice, we’ve kept quite a good schedule up on the site, posting content daily for your reading/viewing pleasure. Keeping you updated is our main priority now and this is what we’re doing. […]