Dearest of dear fans!
Mihai and Wolfy have something special for you! Have you ever dreamed of writing a script for a movie? Well, maybe not an entire script, but a scene that will eventually be filmed without you making any effort whatsoever?
…well, we dream of that everyday… and we wanted to make your dream and ours come true!
Here’s the deal:
- SITUATION: Daytime. Plustard and Johnny are in the Lord’s castle, as guests. They walk around and get lost. Plustard starts searching for Johnny, Johnny starts searching for Plustard. They can interact with the staff (The cook, the old butler, the young butler) but not with the Lord. Also, no criminal involved, no case… just a simple “I got lost” scene.
- WRITE: A –10- minutes script for this situation. We aim for funny, but not cliche.
- RESTRAINTS: None. If you want them to find each other in the first seconds and THEN have a funny scene with both of them, go for it! Just make sure you don’t write things that would make Gandhi cry.
- STYLE: You don’t have to make it look like a Hollywood script. Just make sure we understand who is talking and what is going on on the screen. Hehe… onon.
- VERIFY: Please read your script while timing it, to be certain that you cover at least 10 minutes. If you go overboard or write less, no problem… but we aim for 10.
What do you get?
Mihai and Wolfy will read each entry. We are looking for great ideas, not the next Tolstoi, so just do your best. Once we have found a winner, that winner will get:
- His/Her scene actually shot and edited into the upcoming Plustard Series. YES! You get to see your work in action!
- A VIP pass on the launch of the Pilot Episode. That means you’ll get a super secret link to the Episode before anyone else.
- A tshirt… not just any tshirt, a one of a kind tshirt that will be made especially for this contest! It will feature, of course, Johnny and Plustard
Best part – you don’t get to choose between these prizes… you get them ALL!
Submit your scripts to Andrei (-at-) silverwolfpet (-dot-) com, write “Script” in the e-mail subject so I know it is from you!
(replace the “at” with “@” and “dot” with “.”)
DEADLINE: 8th of September (…so start writing!)
But wait, there’s more! In order to get your creative sparkly-sparkles… sparkling… we’ll share with you a scene from the upcoming Pilot Episode! Enjoy and good luck!